New on DVD this week - A United Kingdom and more

Published By Tribute on Jun 06, 2017

A United Kingdom on DVDThis week's selection of new releases on DVD includes the highly acclaimed Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson. Also available for viewing is the psychological thriller A Cure for Wellness starring Dane DeHaan. If you're looking for some action and adventure, you'll want to check out assassin Frank Kitchen (Michelle Rodriguez) in The Assignment. Watch as two lives become bound together after a disastrous plane crash in the film Aftermath. Lastly, if you're a fan of romantic films you'll enjoy A United Kingdom, a love story based on true events from the 1940s. ~Brenden Zerihun

A United KingdomBased on a true story, this film follows Seretse Khama (David Oyelowo), heir to the throne of Bechuanaland. When the Prince meets British clerk Ruth Williams (Rosamund Pike) at a party, he falls in love instantly. The two plan to marry, even though they know it might cause backlash. However, they're not prepared for the political firestorm and soon find themselves fighting to keep their relationship together.
Trailer: A United Kingdom

Beauty and the Beast - Belle (Emma Watson) lives in a small town in France with her loving father, Maurice (Kevin Kline). When he doesn't return after a trip to the market, Belle goes looking for him. She finds him imprisoned in a tower by a Beast (Dan Stevens) and offers herself as a prisoner in exchange for her father's release.
Trailer: Beauty and the Beast 

A Cure for WellnessA young executive (Dane DeHaan) is on his way to bring home his company's CEO from a mysterious wellness center in the Swiss Alps. Upon his arrival, he realizes that this spa isn't exactly what it seems to be. After discovering some secrets, he finds himself fighting the same illness that the other guests are experiencing.
Trailer: A Cure for Wellness

The AssignmentA top assassin named Frank (Michelle Rodriguez) has been betrayed by a group of gangsters, and is left with a lady surgeon known as The Doctor (Sigourney Weaver). Frank goes through surgery against his will, and is turned into a woman. The assassin must now get his revenge, and is helped by a nurse named John who knows all the secrets.
Trailer: The Assignment

AftermathIt's the holidays and construction worker Roman (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is excited to welcome his family at the airport after their flight. Upon his arrival, he learns that their plane crashed with no survivors. Air traffic controller Jacob (Scoot McNairy) committed an error, causing the two planes to collide. Jacob is forced to change his identity and relocate to another town, but Roman hires a private investigator to find him in order to make him pay for his mistake.
Trailer: Aftermath

The Last Word - A high-handed, retired businesswoman named Harriet (Shirley MacLaine) decides to get someone to write her obituary before she dies, to make sure her life story is told on her own terms. A young journalist named Anne Sherman (Amanda Seyfried) is tasked with writing Harriet’s obituary and decides to investigate the truth behind the woman's story.
Trailer: The Last Word

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