Fahrenheit 9/11 - User Reviews

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4.13 / 5

User rating: 4.13

Based on 84862 votes and 283 reviews

  • User rating: 4.13 77.89%
  • User rating: 4.13 0.18%
  • User rating: 4.13 0.14%
  • User rating: 4.13 0.17%
  • User rating: 4.13 21.61%

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User review rating: 0 July 04, 2004

A terrific film..certainly protrays Bush as the incompetent that he really is

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2004

wow no words can describe this movie im a 14 year old boy and i thought this movie was great better than great i aplode Michael Moore

User review rating: 0 July 04, 2004

I went to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 out of curiosity. Was there ever a doubt Bush bombed Afghanistan to secure the pipeline? Equally transparent: Saddam had to go. He had outlived his purpose and America needed his oil fields as backup. So what new truth could Michael Moore uncover? Peter Howell is correct. The movie is sheer propaganda, worse, a vaudeville show — with slapstick humour, unsubtle innuendo and the melodrama of sobbing, bereaved parents. But what is a man to do if he has to appeal to a dumbed-down audience, to zombies who buy duct tape for self-preservation? What is a man to do with a dumbed-down media that believed it could

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2004

It`s time for the media to start doing their job - I hope this movie marks the end of the "OJ" era. It`s time for MNN.

User review rating: 0 July 03, 2004

A masterpiece that transforms artificial rhapsody into a realistic portrayal of what we now know as Corporate America. Michael Moore is a genius.

User review rating: 0 June 30, 2004

This film made me feel physically sick - to think of the deceit, the lies and the backroom deals that is fueling a war which is killing thousands of innocent people. I applaud Mr. Moore is in brave attempt to reveal the true nature and intentions of the American President (by default). A must see for everyone, even if you take it with a grain of salt, it will horrify you. What a way to starve off apathy! Bravo!

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

Bush bashers love Moore because Moore likes to bash Bush. This is not a documentary, documentaries are factual (Moore "checked facts" after the release.) Also documentaries stick to a point. Moore goes around in a confusing circle of "facts," "shocking footage" (as seen on CNN) and then contradicts himself with another bit all to get a jeer out of the bush bashers. Re-elect BUSH, lets get the Canadian beef back across the CanUS border and keep the terrorists on the run.

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

This is NOT a documentary! This is a film with an agenda and a message!

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

Michael Moore rocks my world!!!

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

We don`t need someone like Michael Moore to open up American minds about their government. They should have enough grey matter (brain) up there to be aware of Bush`s wayward policies. It`s true that Moore is an opportunist and has picked Bush as the "easy" target because of his habit of fumbling. More importantly, however, we should not worry about Bush. It`s the people behind Bush that should worry everybody, namely, Paul Wolfowitz and Karl Rove. Those guys have lots of grey matter and very evil. Leave Bush alone. Go pick on these jerks who want total global domination. I believe if good people were behind Bush, he would be driven for good c

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

IMO the most eye opening fact was that while there is a push for more military spending, the salaries, benifits, etc of soliders and veterans is being cut. And it seems that huge contracts are going to companies with ties to the Bush administration (Haliburton). Favoring big business over the brave, young men and women that are risking their lives everyday, is truely an act of Unamericanism. This isn`t an Unamerican film, "speaking" your mind and being critical of those in power, is something that`s done in a democracy which makes the country stronger in the long run. If the criticism isn`t valid, then it makes the opposing view stron

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

I think this is his best one yet. I never thought of things in a deep way untill I watched this. I hope they are able to show it in the USA.

User review rating: 0 June 29, 2004

Excellent movie!! Speaks the truth about US ` conspiracy..can`t say more than that. A must see movie!!

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Michael Moore is a genious, he dazzled us again with his intellectual knowledge of the political system.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Everyone should watch it! there are so many things that i didnt know , and after this documentary, it made me think about the issues going on around the world a little differntly......... By the way i hate BUSH!! he so stupid....

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

The american politicians love their american uneducated voters, the more uneducated and unasuming that they are the more the powers that be can manipulate and brainwash their minds, remember the ultimate goal of any politician is to get re-elected and this movie hopefully gives people a wake up call to what high level politics is really about, which is power and control and american citizens are losing it.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

i think Michael Moore should ran for the president of U.S!!!

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

How much money has flowed from the House of Saud to the Bush family and its friends and allies over the years? No one will ever know -- but the number is at least $1.477 billion.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Did the Saudis buy a president?

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Hmmm...interesting: "Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden`s family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington"

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

anybody who watches new OTHER than CNN or other US news channels already knew most of this and a lot more.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Really good movie, not a true documentary, but good. The movie boils down to a Bush (and his govt.) bashing movie. The movie which does bring sum good points to the forefront, essentially was made to help Americans vote Democratic, instead of Republican.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Incredible film, well done, highly entertaining and thought-provoking. A must see. I`ll see it again, for sure.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

nothing but the FACTS were shown in this movie....

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

I loved it! Unfortunately, most of our neibors to the south will not view it. I have spent allot of time down south and have asked them about other movies; Bowling for Columbine, JFK and none of them that I have asked have viewed them. They need to get their heads out of the dirt and into the theatres to see this movie.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Simply Amazing. This is a movie everyone should see. It will bring you through every emotion, and leave you thinking "How could a Country elect such a moron?" To the few morons on American Televisino (i.e. Bill O`Reilly) who have said things like "If i want to see a fictional movie i will see Shrek" I ask, `Where is the Fiction?` Everything michael Uses is footage from bush`s own lips. TRULY A GREAT MOVIE. MUST SEE !!!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Proof of the truth... This moview was great America, the real evil empire get this guy out of the white house... A stellar piece of work! every bit...

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Michael Moores never ceases to amaze and impress me with his investigative documentaries. The amount of respect I have for him is immeasurable.

User review rating: 0 June 28, 2004

Hope that this movie will show the truth about bush to the low educated people who believe that bush is what america needs...

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Yay!! it was #1 this weekend...It proves that the public wants to hear a different side of the story, even though many movie theatres were reluctant to show it. Good job everyone.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

This film was genious. I personally think that Michael Morre is absolutely brilliant. I can see why thins documentary won the top prize at The Cannes Film Festival. I would like to thank Michael Morrow for producing this piece of art.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Amazing movie, gave the full truth not like the government.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

It`s going to take a lot more than this movie to wake up the American masses but it`s a start. Mr. Moore has done a good job. Very disturbing information to digest. I hope the world doesn`t have to put up with Bush for a second term.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Michael Moore for President!

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

This movie was absolutely fantastic, it had a standing ovation for 5 minutes after it was over. It`s so amazing to see the other end of the sword expecially in the world of politics. Michael Moore has made yet another great documentary, if your deciding to go see this, definately do it`s amazing!

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Excellent film! Definitely gives you something to think about.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Wow. Thought provoking whether you are a friend or foe of `George Bush Jr`.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

This movie shows a side of Americana, that is very disturbing. To think that voters are being `played` by the `powers that be` i.e. Bush and his Neo-Con Administration. A reality show on the issues that face not only America, but the World. This movie sometimes sad, sometimes funny, but definitly an eye opener. A movie that gets you worked up, and enlightens. A definite `must see`. If you ever believed your election vote dosen`t make a difference, watch the sad consequences of apathy.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

It`s about time...

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Bottom line - it`s a lie. I`m open minded but get-real. Moore is famous for this. Attention grabbing is all he is good for. Don`t waste your time or support this so-called documentary. Just absurd.

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Gimme a break...Moore has such an obvious agenda it is sickening...maybe Bush should make a movie about the evil Left?? Then would you all change your minds? Don`t believe everything you hear or read...I agree Moore raises some issues, but how much of it is 100% true?

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

It was pretty good, but not exactly as how I had thought it would be -- when I first heard of the project, I heard it was more going to be an exposé of how much Bush knew about 9/11 prior to 9/11 and could have stopped the attack, but it was still good, incredible art piece for real. Better than Bowling for Columbine? It`s hard to compare the two, both were amazing. If he hadn`t pissed off the Oscar people, he may have just won him another one!

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Thank you, Michael Moore! Finally the people are being told the ugly truth about their "trustworthy" president. Please, Americans, vote and put someone competent in charge this time!

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

For the people who haven`t read publications regarding Uncle Sam`s real hidden agenda and villanous activities, this movie will give you enough truth to want to shov something up Uncle Sam. Amazing movie, must see it especially for American Patriots (open your eyes and wake up).

User review rating: 0 June 27, 2004

Shows that bush lied to his country about ikak and also that he protected the family of the supposed terrorist atacker Bin Laden.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2004

Incredible, piece of art! Use it as a lesson for your kids!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2004

The was another eye opener by Moore. However, it does have the left wing slant on some issues. However, the Bush and Saudi alliance cannot be ignored. Bush has to go. He definetly took the US troops into Iraq based on lies and mislead the American public. My God, does it ever show the power that the US has. Corporate American runs the Whitehouse....George Bush is corporate America. Watch the movie and you will understand.... I can`t believe it is 2004 and we are still living with this kind of democracy. Something has to change.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2004

Michael Moore, Propagandhi, Noam Chomsky, come on America.. LEARN..

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2004

Moore has the ability to make people listen to something the rest of the world has known ever since Bush got into the White House. Hopefully Americans will understand how BAD Bush is making them look and how much danger he`s putting them in.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2004

Waste of money! Are you kidding me?? Don`t spend money to sit and watch a political propaganda movie. It is clear that there is an underlying agenda here. I don`t believe Moore is angry about Bush`s handling of Sept 11. I believe Moore is angry about the Bush`s stance on social agendas and will do anything to change them.

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