Memoirs of a Geisha - User Reviews

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4.21 / 5

User rating: 4.21

Based on 1724 votes and 159 reviews

  • User rating: 4.21 60.61%
  • User rating: 4.21 18.83%
  • User rating: 4.21 9.51%
  • User rating: 4.21 2.79%
  • User rating: 4.21 8.26%

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User review rating: 0 December 29, 2005

Beautiful movie! Exactly what you go to a movie be entertained.

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2005

The movie was just as good as the book. Go and see it!

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2005

Simply beautiful.

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

Why is so okay for American actors to act as British, French, or other Europeans. When Nicole Kidman won the Oscar for her role in "The Hours", I didn`t see anybody complaining that an Aussie was cast for Virginia Woolf (a British)`s role!! There are also many Canadians actors who acts as Americans, British, etc. Did anybody cry about that??? I don`t think so! Therefore, people who complains about why this movie had three Chinese actress in it should get over with it. The reason the director chosed Ziyi maybe because she was in many well known movies (like, "Rush Hours 2", "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers".) T

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

well done. very interesting. it doesn`t show only the beauty of the geisha but the drama of the Geisha`s life. Its the best japanese movie ever.

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

For those of you attacking the people who don`t like the casting of Chinese actors in the Japanese roles, you should be aware of the long and brutal history between the two cultures. In China right now there is a LOT of controversy about this movie. Many are very offended that Zhang Ziyi, etc, are portraying Japanese geishas and see it as spitting in the face of Chinese culture and history. The rivalry and resentment between the China and Japan is very much alive today, so yes the casting of Memoirs of a Geisha has become an issue. If you still don`t care that is perfectly fine, but don`t get mad at people who do. By the way, the movie was am

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

Amazing movie. I saw King Kong yesterday and Memoirs Of A Geisha blew it out of the water. Sorry Peter Jackson. Memoirs is just a stunningly well done film. I was a bit disappointed that it was in English, but I guess it has to be since so much of the cast isn`t Japanese (I guess in Hollywood, Asian is Asian). Anyway, the film is remarkable, from start to finish. Two thumbs up!

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

The movie use Chinese to play main characters simply because there is no world famous Japanese female actress who can act. What a pity!

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2005

A beautiful portrayal of human nature, kindness, hatred and love. I read the book and felt the movie was magnificently done. It was a feast for the senses, dazzling to the eye and warming to the soul.

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005

It`s a great movie! And everyone whot hinks it isn`t is a an insensitive man. Tip: If you keep up that attitude you will end up wifeless and alone.:)

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005

all i can say is "wow..."

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005


User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005

very nice story about a girl who just wants to be free. i liked it.

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005

I thought it was beautifully captured film. I thought the acting was well done. The cineamatography, is pure art.

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2005

Somewhat of a disappointment as I felt the movie lacked Sayuri`s character development from a young girl to a woman as was apparent in the novel. The cinematography was one of the movie`s strongest points, however it came across as too "in your face" at times so much so as it was difficult to understand the context of the scene, but it was also beautifully executed in several other parts of the film. The young actress portraying Chiyo had a commendable performance.

User review rating: 0 December 26, 2005

The cinematography, costumes, acting and music were excellent. Interestingly, the beginning of this film had many parallels to the movie WATER. However, I was disappointed in how this film ended - it was very predictable. This film was also way too long - the entire movie could have been portrayed in half the time. I had high hopes for this movie and unfortunately was disappointed.

User review rating: 0 December 26, 2005

A superb movie with fabulous photography.

User review rating: 0 December 26, 2005

The people who simply disagree that dis movie is fantasic are just being nonrealalistic, and ppl who think that they should keep the religious moments in the past , " you dont need to! its a movie it`s not history class !i say this movie is awsom

User review rating: 0 December 25, 2005

I read the book before watching the movie and noticed a lot of differences which is expected. But both were extraordinary.

User review rating: 0 December 25, 2005

It was quite good but after reading the comments about the main character not being Japanese; that distracted me a lot. I thought it was a bit too long, but it is a tear jerker so girls bring your hankies.Danielle

User review rating: 0 December 25, 2005

I loved this movie so much, I`ve read the book twice now, I read it during the week before release to refresh my memory. It bugged me how things were out of order and the little things that changed but all and all. I really did love it, it was gorgeous, the kimono`s were gorgeous. I figure if I hadn`t read the book I`d be grovelling at the movie crew`s feet right about now. I`ve been waiting for this all year I even was willing to drive to another city just to see it.

User review rating: 0 December 25, 2005


User review rating: 0 December 25, 2005

i think that it was alright,could have had better cast.And it took to long for the real movie to start!

User review rating: 0 December 24, 2005

the movie was a bit of a dissapointment but not because chines actors were used; rather because, in my opinion, the book was not accurately portrayed. They didnt show why the father made the choice of selling his daughters or the life of poverty they led. They didnt mention the artist that drew the portrait of sayuri. As well, nobu was very honourable in the novel and the movie did not accurately display this. They did not mention sayuri`s danna at all (the general) and nobu only had one arm! Did the director or anyone on production of the movie actually read the book?

User review rating: 0 December 24, 2005

The book is a must read, and you will appreciate the movie a lot more after reading it. However the movie is amazing

User review rating: 0 December 24, 2005

Beautiful film!! one of the years best!! if you`re looking for action don`t go but if you`re looking for a story with purpose and passion and characters that bleed of the screen then fricken go!! What are you waiting for?...why are you on your computer day and night reading do something!!

User review rating: 0 December 24, 2005


User review rating: 0 December 24, 2005

THEY`RE ACTORS and ACTRESSES. IT`S THEIR JOB TO PORTRAY SOMETHING THEY`RE NOT. so just criticize the movie and the acting, not the ethnicity of the actors. that should be irrelevant.

User review rating: 0 December 23, 2005

I thought it was really good. but too long

User review rating: 0 December 23, 2005


User review rating: 0 December 23, 2005


User review rating: 0 December 22, 2005

This could have been a more enjoyable movie if it was reduced from 144 minutes to about 95 minutes. Simply too long and as a result, painfully boring! I could not wait to see the credits rolling.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2005

i think the movie was quite good, definately worth seeing in the theatre....first off, the book was a fiction, so i dun think it`s fair to hold the movie against history, secondly, north american act as british/ european people all the time (and vice versa)...i see absolutely no problem seeing asians(chinese) playing as asians (japanese) only tests one`s acting skill over all, a well done movie...very artistic in feeling...the last part was not as well done tho...anyways...enjoy..

User review rating: 0 December 16, 2005

Great Movie. All the people complaining about Chinese actresses playing Japanes characters probably saw absolutely nothing wrong in the past when third rate American actors played German officers in all the WWII flicks. Why does nationality suddenly matter? This is great story, beautifully acted and movingly conveyed. Hope she gets an Oscar.

User review rating: 0 December 16, 2005

Honestly, to the people that complain about a Chinese actress playing a Japanese character in a MOVIE - Go vent your frustrations and cry me a river... Or simply get a life. She is well-known, has trained for the part, and probably beat out other Japanese actresses who just couldn`t cut it in an adaptation of the original novel. The book was AMAZING and deserves a quality cast - which they got. It`s HOLLYWOOD and like every other blockbuster, they need star power. And the actress who plays the main character has it. I was lucky to have seen this movie before it was released in theaters and it more than met my expectations. So props out to the

User review rating: 0 December 15, 2005

To the person who commented below: why would a Japanese actress playing a Japanese woman in a movie set in Japan have to be able to speak Chinese? In other words, that should never have been a requirement, especially since the film is in English. So there goes your theory of why three Chinese women were hired to play Japanese women. Duh.

User review rating: 0 December 14, 2005

I think those who object to a chinese playing a japanese role should just simply not watch the movie, instead of raging about it. It is very hard to find a beautiful asian who can dance and somewhat speak proper english, in fact, not alot of japanese girls can speak chinese, and on top of that be able to dance beautifully. Zhang Ziyi capture just what exactly the director wants to capture from the novel, she has taken lessons to dance in the past, so why don`t you people just drop it or just not watch it if you are so against it. and just leave it for the rest of the people who will enjoy this movie and not complain about little things like

User review rating: 0 December 12, 2005

Boring Boring Boring Boring Boring........ :(

User review rating: 0 December 12, 2005

Amasing movie! just as I imagined it while reading the book!

User review rating: 0 December 11, 2005

I loved the film.The actors and actresses transmitted their charactes very close to reality. I really enjoyed it. It`s nice to see movies like this and not like other awful movies out there.

User review rating: 0 December 11, 2005

Terrible cast

User review rating: 0 December 11, 2005

It was great! Awesome!! We loved it!!! Although, it was based on a novel, NOT historical facts; it was well portrayed.The lead actresses were of Chinese origin; but, they are mega stars themselves in Asia!! What an honour to have them there!! Did U know...these events also happend in China during the WW-2?...these events unfolded between the 2 nations at the same time? and, lastly, the Japanese culture came directly from the Chinese over 2300 years ago? Enjoy this movie !!!

User review rating: 0 December 11, 2005

To all those who objected to casting Chinese actresses in leading rolds: First of all, the book upon which the movie was based on was a novel, not a non-fiction biography; secondly, the book was written by a White North American professor; on top of all these, it was a hollywood movie. So, while, the movie was not of Japanese history, not written by Japanese, not film nor directed by Japanese. I personally do not see why non-Japanses actresses could not be in the leading roles. A little extra note, author decribed the physical appearance of the main charactor as a fair skinned Japanese girl with blue grayish eyes. We all know the fact well t

User review rating: 0 December 10, 2005

I had more enjoyment watching Teenwolf 2

User review rating: 0 December 10, 2005

actually, of the 3 main actors, one is Japanese, one is Chinese, and one is Malaysian ... and anyways does it mean that because the actor who plays the lead role is chinese she cannot portray the life of a japanese? It`s called acting for a reason.

User review rating: 0 December 10, 2005

The movie was a sad but truthful look at a women in a society where powers is but a mans, the actress portayedherself very well, believeable and made the story a romantic but yet harsh reality. ravo and as it lacks the bells and whiltes and car chases that most seem to be addited to it has spirt and a story line that makes it a great movie to actually listen too. MJ L

User review rating: 0 December 10, 2005

fine movie

User review rating: 0 December 10, 2005

they all had chinese accents for goodness sake or is this not important.

User review rating: 0 December 09, 2005

I loved the book! I can`t wait to see this movie :)

User review rating: 0 December 09, 2005

I MUST AGREE with the people that did not think the movie was authentic. FIRST off, they did not cast any JAPANESE actresses. THE BOOK DESERVE MUCH BETTER THAN THAT. simply put: no justice was brought to the book by watching the movie...not at all.

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