Goldie Hawn reveals 'horrible' sexual harassment experiences

Published By Marriska Fernandes on Feb 13, 2018

Goldie HawnGoldie Hawn, 72, opened up about her own sexual harassment experiences as she talked about the recent #MeToo movement.

Talking to CNBC, she said: "Sexual harassment unfortunately has been there forever. I had some horrible experiences, as a young dancer in New York City, I mean I’ll top all of them."

She credits her parents for the way they raised her, saying their strength and support helped her get though it all. "I had a very strong mom, a very strong dad and I had a lot of resilience and I really knew who I was and you know the answer was always no I’ll never get a job like that. A lot of girls don’t."

Hawn reveals that one of the "attacks" took place in a dark room. "You got to wiggle your way out of it. It’s pretty bad."

She voiced the opinion that she believes the perpetrators are power tripping.

"I don’t know what this entitlement is. I think we’re actually seeing a lot of illness connected to it now. So this is partially an illness, not just a proclivity or just a feeling of need to do this.

"I think it has to do with narcissism, an ability to think that they’re invincible and they pretty much can do whatever they want to do." ~Marriska Fernandes

Comments & Discussion

  1. Helen Cichon • 2/13/2018 1:32:19 PM

    I've always loved Goldie. She's the epitome of class. Her comments just reinforce the importance of a strong family and friend network. Great Article!

  2. betsy • 2/13/2018 4:23:36 PM

    I was 18 a virgin and a senior I drank too much with friends blacked out and was raped by two guys I considered friends. It was terrible it went around school of course nobody knew the truth. Too embarrased even to friends.though it wasn't my fault I felt guilty I never spoke to anyone about it until I was 72 years old that haunted me all these years and has eaten at me still hard to talk about

  3. CDubya • 2/14/2018 12:09:53 PM

    Geez Betsy... Sorry to hear that. Re: Goldie, I'm sure it was a very well known secret to do that back in her heyday too. People are saying all the stories that are coming out now is getting ridiculas, but really, it's letting people vent and tell their stories and shedding light on a harsh subject and hopefully making the would-be sexual assaulters think twice.

  4. J. • 2/15/2018 3:59:03 AM

    That's heartbreaking Betsy. I hope you can find some peace. It's infuriating to hear about all these men robbing women's bodies and minds. When will they learn that a woman's body is not theirs for the taking, that women who are sexually assaulted can never forget what happened to them. This generation of women will hopefully lead the way by standing strong and telling their stories. #MeToo

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