The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

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  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

Painfully real! Really painful! What Christ went through, for our sins, is what we see in this film. Feel the whip, feel the torture, feel the ridicule, feel the nails! My sins and yours are what put Him there. We need to get that through our thick skulls. God loved us so much, and wanted us to spend eternity in heaven with Him, that, He sent His son Jesus as the final sacrifice. Get over it people, accept Christ for who He is and what He did for you - reap the benefits, THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID!

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

If there is one movie worth seeing in this world, I beleive that this is the one.

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

This movie was the most powerful thing i have ever seen. It has renewed my faith and brought the shocking reality of what Jesus really suffer for all of us. Mel Gibson truly was blessed.

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

Incredible representation of Jesus` love towards all humanity. Jesus showed us all that through Him we can all enter the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. Today people like Mother Theresa and the pope John Paul 2 who have sacraficed their entire lives to giving people Love and Hope are following Jesus` footsteps. The movie bring tears to your eyes and opens your heart to the true meaning of life. I thank Mel for spreading this message to the world. The film making skills are also utilized to perfection.

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

i think mel gibson is a genius. not only is is very entertaining . it is an eye opener. the negative talk about it are jealous people. it is entertainment.........

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

I`m an atheist and I thought it was beautifully done. Didn`t change my faith but did inspire me artistically. The imagery in that movie was spectacular!

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

Everything the professional critics are saying is true. There is excessive gore in this movie. Pain and torture was definitely the main focus.

User review rating: 0 February 28, 2004

i loved this movie, It made me cry and cry harder!! well worth it!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I had to see it again. I wanted to make sure that I did not miss anything. I have to say again and won`t change my mind. This is not a film to make me hate Jews, it`s about the love Jesus had for humans. It`s about Jesus showing us that all people regardless of religious belief are worthy of our love. Great film Mel. I don`t think the violence was over done. This is a way to make us feel his pain.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This movie is not about a particular religion, race or nationality. This movie portrays the need for our understanding about a man who came to Earth just like you and me, with the exception that he thought us how to Love Each Other and to think about us as collective souls tangled into one. His pain shows the gruesome reality of our behavioural capabilities towards our immortality. Whether we are good or bad, or whatever we might become. Jesus led us to forgive our own ignorance on what life in this planet really means. The beauty of all of this is that we all have different perspectives and opinions, and that’s why men learn. We collect the

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The "Best Movie Ever Created" because of its meaning. Passion is a very powerful word, yet word "Crhist" completes its entire definition. JOrge G. Tercero

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Everybody should see this movie about Unconditional LOVE. The best movie for our time. It is not about blood and agony, it is not about Jews, Romans ,Christians, it is ONLY about the LOVE of God for us. Thanks you Mel Gibson.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

this movie is about JESUS CHRIST- the Son of God who came down from heaven to die on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. it is not anti-semetic, nor does it have some other alterior motive. there`s been too much made of the "gore" and "violence"- it pales in comparison to many other wide release movies out there. it`s purpose is to offer an accurate account of the last hours of Jesus` life on earth and i think it`s done that. as a Christian i am grateful that it was made. it`s a reminder for all Christians that we should try to live our lives focussing on love, forgiveness, humility, sacrifice and honesty. God Willing and God Bless.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

To those claiming that the Bible is fiction or cooked up over the years or that the Romans never tortured people you have your heads in the sand. The Catholic version of the Bible was set by the council of Nicaea in 325, where the Catholic Church explicitly stated that no part of the Old Testament - The fundamental of Judiaism - nor the New testament (4 Canon Gospel and following Letters) could be changed as someone suggested. Further more, remember the violence in Gladiator? Torturing people was a means of entertainment by the Empire, and the more gruesome it was the better.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The Passion of the Christ was a tremendously moving picture. Even if you`re not a christian it will still touch you. Although it is very gory, I think that it is necessary in order to get the message across to the viewer that He really did love God and people. In today`s day and age people are educated about the holocaust and such. If you are a racist then maybe you will take this movie as anti-semitic. Basically, who killed Christ then? If Jesus was in Asia at this time then we would be saying it`s anti-asian. It was everybody that killed Jesus.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This movie is a gift from God throgh the fantastic talent he gave Mel Gibson it really shows the Christ , Our Lord is truly a TREMENDOUS LOVER. It was like really being there and you suffer with Him. But at the same time it fills you with joy knownig how much he love you personally and the His incredible triumph over evil. God Bless Mel Gibson he has the love of all his Christian brothers and sisters.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I am a christian and I went for the movie, not because I didn`t know what to expect but to truly see what He went through because of His love for me. I bawled throughout the movie, because the movie did not exaggerate the violence one stuck to the Bible. I pray with all my heart that people without hope and love will truly know that the only one who will truly love them is Jesus.This is an excellent movie!!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

A moving Icon intelligently and openly depicting this pivotal event in human history. An experience rather than merely a movie. An experience that, if intelligently and openly received, artistically and effectively engages the viewer with the truly radical sacrifice of He who is Love for all men in a sin filled world.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

A must watch movie, disregard you are a believer or not...You will for sure be touched and learn what "LOVE" truly means.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

thought your article was great. I agree that most Christians are not going to leave Passion blaming Jews for Jesus` death any more than they will blame Romans who sentenced him and carried out the sentence. As a Catholic, I believe that Jesus willingly died for our sins and could have been spared this fate any time if he desired. The story played out the way it was supposed to in my view. I believe most Christians believe the same thing. I really view this as an attack from the secular humanists on the left than as an attack from any particular denomination or ethnic group. I think that they would oppose your conservative Jewish views every

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This was a very moving movie. To think after all these years that we do the sinful things that we do??? It makes you think why did this man die for all of us without us even knowing this man. what a price he had to pay for what we can`t get done right. Which is love one another and forgive.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I grew up in the Catholic faith, and I truly beleive that we need to see this film, to show everyone in this world who Jesus was and what he can do for us if we just beleive. This film should teach us all about love & sacrifice, something we tend to forget. Forget the fancy cars, the big homes, and the toys, and think about those who suffer everyday. Just like Jesus did.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Best film ever! Lesson learned: Love without limits. As a Christian blaming Jews never ever came to mind. We only have love and gratitude for them.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

You do not see the passion of the christ, you feel the passion.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I know a lot of people are upset because it seems Anti-Jewish, but lets not forget, Jesus and his family were Jewish. As a Christian, I came out of the film feeling like I caused Jesus` death, not the Jewish leaders of the time, not the Romans, but me and my sin. Fairly accurate protrayal, leaning more towards a Catholic viewpoint. The violence was not overwhelming but in my opinion a realistic representation of what Jesus most likely had to experiance. The casting was excellent. I truly feel that you have to be completely ignorant of the Christian doctrine to feel this film was Anti-anyone. Jesus loves everyone, Jesus died for everyone, Ever

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

A Masterpiece! Bravo to Mel Gibson. It isn`t easy watching what Jesus went through. Mel Gibson has done a real good job of portraying what has been written about these events; people who deny it or talk about senseless anti-Semitism stuff are just trying to diminish Christianity and Jesus` purpose on earth. Why is this movie violent? Well, because that`s what happened in reality according to the Gospels, simple as that. For those who say that the movie is unjustifiably violent, I say: you`ve all become Saints all of a sudden, go and protest about destructive violent movies like Kill Bill, not about the true suffering of the Christ. Wake up an

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Despite all the controversy, The Passion truly does deliver nothing short of a breathtaking display of Christ`s final hours. Well worth seeing, even though at times the violence seems excessive. Do not want to miss this movie!!!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

What are the Jews ranting about? Nothing in this movie would make me hate them or dispise them. I think it`s a small group of fanatic trying to stir up trouble. God is loving and all religion are loving of the same God. Everyone should see the Passion to understand that it doesn`t matter who you are, God, and Jesus loves you.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

very good movie, that shows people how much Jesus Christ has suffert for his people and they still deny him.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I thought it was many things.When I first seen the graphic brutality I thought it was overdone.But when we look at the whole concept of the movie, the violence is absolutly necessary for us to understand the true suffering Christ endured for all Christians.To some this film may strengthen their faith or give faith to others who have little faith.I think Mel is brilliant!What a PR promotion for Christ!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I went to see this film because i wanted to know who was Jesus. I don`t have a religion. I find Jesus to be a loving man who died for the sins of others. What an great film. Does not make me hate Jews. Why would people even think we will hate jews if we see this film? No comprehension of this.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Wow, It was worth to go because of action. Amazing movie! Very good Artistic! We love that movie best!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I think Mel Gibson is wise (in the biblical sense) in having the evil one around almost every corner. Nowadays we don`t think about spiritual warfare that much. But, hey, when you see so much beating and suffering (remember the two guys, each on his own cross, did not fare so badly), you have to wonder where does this madness come from? Pilate`s right hand man did show up a couple of times to regulate it somehow, but that did not help at all. Why? One answer is that there is this battle going on. If somehow Satan can get Jesus to give up, then there is no salvation and that would be a great victory for him and his gang (recall Jesus` temptati

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The `Passion` was a beautiful meditation on Christ`s laying down His life for His friends.. US. I came away pondering the reality of what Christ endured for us. We all had a hand in His suffering, all our collective sins caused it. It was in intense, riveting movie that wrenched my heart but ended in victory. Way to go Mel!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

What an amazing movie!!! Some people are saying that Mel exagerated the violence &that no human can suffer to that extreme... I am here to say that Love is powerful, it can push people to endure things that normally they couldn`t have been able to handle and that`s what kept Jesus going... His love for His lost children, He wanted to save them once and for all. Thank you Jesus for the blood. At least He lived what He preached. If there is anyone that has questions concerning the movie or the free gift of salvation u can email me."You shall know the truth and the truth shall set u free" John 8:32.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This movie made it very clear to me how much Jesus suffered It had to be graffic and violent in order for us to see how much he went through for our sins so everyone out there complaining about the violence well, sorry to tell you but it`s the truth sadly thats exactly how they treated him if you dont like it dont go just please dont go starting trouble cause this is a serious issue so respect it.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

There is no word to describe this movie... this film is true, tough and made extremely proud of being Christian(even if I don`t attand church) congratulations to all the cast and mel gibson. By the way I may be stupid, but I dont understand why the movie is said to be antisemetic? ? anyway go to see and support this movie.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Lets get one thing straight. God sent Jesus here to die for our sins. It was God`s plan. It would not matter if Jesus were in Vancouver, Russia, Africa or China... the people of that time would have killed Him. It was God`s plan. We are all responsible for the death of Jesus. He died for our sins. It has nothing to do with "who" killed Jesus. It`s about WHY this had to happen. So we would no longer be separated from God because of our sins. It was the ultimate sacrifice for US. Real Christians don`t hate people either.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

ly powerful and visual. Anyone who wants to see this movie really needs to prepare themselves for the images that are depicted. Very emotionally wrenching too. Everyone should see it, whether religious or not.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I want to see it again. I`m a change man today. Great Great Great movie. I have no words to explain how I feel.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Well done film. I regret not taking my children. I will see it again next week with them. There is much worst sceenes on regular televison these days. With proper guidance children should see this film.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

We need to learn from this horrific experience. All other religeous films did not truly convey the horrific meanning of Jesus`s sacrifice for us. This is an excellent work of art written by the apostles. Thanks Mel for bringing us a visual account of Jesus last 12 hours.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

to love jesus is to love jews

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I went in expecting to cover my eyes the whole time. Amazingly, I had to watch and I did not get all disturbed as I do with other films such has Saving Private Ryan. I started thinking, would I be able to watch my son be whipped, hit, kick, spit on, and cruxified? I don`t think I would be a good loving mother if I was not there to be with him throught his pain. Poor Poor Mariam. For the first time I understood the meaning of love and not being able to do anything about it. Bless us all.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Wow, i`ve never been in a theatre that quiet, the movie was increadible. ITs surely a must see non matter what your fait is, or lack of one. Its a great movie!!!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Nothing suggests an anti-semiticsim in this film. Jesus did die at the hands of the Romans and in the manner of a Roman execution (the Jews did not have power to crucify). A deal struck between the Jewish leaders and the Roman authorities is what put him to death. Both had a stake in eliminating Jesus` brand of religon: the Jewish leaders had power and status to protect; the Romans were more concerned with law and order. I still love Jews!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

EXCELLENT! when is the sequel?????

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I`m MUSLIM and to be a muslim we must believe in Jesus. I took my wife and 4 children to see it today without regrets.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Jesus was crucified because he was seen as a threat to the powers at the time. His brand of non-violent resistance, his manner of stirring the people and empowering the poor, were correctly judged to be challenging the political power structures of his day. Jesus was not a Zealot he was sentenced to death by the Romans on the charge of political treason: "He claimed to be King of the Jews".

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The negative aspect is the evil that tries to crucify this as being a film about hating jews. SO SO SO WRONG.

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