Sharkwater - User Reviews

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4.22 / 5

User rating: 4.22

Based on 2584 votes and 1702 reviews

  • User rating: 4.22 72.30%
  • User rating: 4.22 9.32%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.48%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.90%
  • User rating: 4.22 15.00%

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User review rating: 0 April 22, 2010

I was so impressed by your movie and watched it in Toronto Canada. We lived in Asia for 4 years and always refused sharks fin soup at functions (often causing upset!). Can you include more footage from the Southern Hemisphere please? as its off Western Australia and South Africa that a lot of fear is generated by bull sharks. The Taylors (V+P), Australians in their 70\ s have been sending your message that sharks are okay, to deaf ears for many years. Best wishes for your team and our planet\ s sharks.

User review rating: 0 April 22, 2010

If you care at all about planet Earth, you ll do whatever you can to stop the MADDNESS that is shark poaching!

User review rating: 0 April 21, 2010

I can\ t stop crying!!! Been so shamefull as a human being.

User review rating: 0 April 18, 2010

Merci à ROB STEWART de nous avoir ouvert les yeux. nous ne sommes plus ignorants.A nous de ne plus fermer les yeux devant ce massacre insupportable,agissons pendant qu il est encore temps.

User review rating: 0 April 12, 2010

i toltaly agree with this movie it should be on every chanel on the t.v every day at 12 when everyone is watching so then people can know about whats going on with our sharks my father handls sharks that have scars on there bodys from people trying to cut there fins off. please help this stop. thank you.

User review rating: 0 April 12, 2010

I absolutely loved the film,and as a result the documentary has hardened my resolve to bring Justice to the sharks. I wish that the Sharks will survive these barbaric acts. Sometimes, even the worst of the animals on this planet are the most important.

User review rating: 0 April 08, 2010

The documentary really go to me i absolutly loved it! i have always wanted to be a marine biologist and was aware of this situation and i am just so excited that now the world can see the destruction and brutality of illegal fishing that is going on around the world.I really hope that this documentary will help to open peoples eyes to this issue. A very well made documentary!

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2010

I hate to inforn others of this. But WildAid confirmed that Russia, Japan, and China have caused the U.N. bill to protect sharks to fail. I say, we boycott chinese products until they grow a brain and believe that sharks are endangered and are MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHALES!

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2010


User review rating: 0 March 26, 2010

I knew this was happening but seeing it is another story. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. What I want to know is...How can we ban shark fishing?

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2010

What an amazing film. One can\ t help but to feel emotion at a gut level when watching the horrific treatment of these animals. Most importantly is action has to take place. And a good place to start is seeing the film and passing it on to others. Educating people about the direct effect that the ocean\ s ecology ( and balance of that ecology ) has on the human race hopefully will prompt thinking and, ultimately action. Sometimes the passion for the beauty of these amazing creatures is not enough. But I took great pleasure in feeling this passion for the beauty I saw in this film. The harsh reality of what\ s actually happening to these creatures is hard to swallow.

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2010


User review rating: 0 March 24, 2010

The courage we all need. The value that we show. The love that we all live. A demonstration of humanity. One responsibility we all must take. What must be done for every human being, protection of life. Give your life who gave you life.

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2010

really good documentairy finning sharks for money is not so cool

User review rating: 0 March 18, 2010

love the movie but i wish they would stop finning sharks

User review rating: 0 March 17, 2010

this is a amazing documentairy, and if the website a Chinese version of the better!

User review rating: 0 March 16, 2010

I definatly agree, theres has already been a major dolphin protection movement some 15 years ago with the whole dolphins in tuna nets. Very few people will go out and eat dolphins, because who doesnt love dolphins?! Saving these sharks will not only help sharks but humans too. We should be looking at the bigger picture!!!

User review rating: 0 March 11, 2010

My biggest question is: why do the dolphins get all the attention (a.k.a the OSCAR)? Just cause they\ re cute and cuddly? Dolphins deserve to be saved too but these sharks are too often demonized (Oscar tribute to horror films?? Starting off with Jaws and the ominous track???) I really thought that this documentary deserved an Oscar more than The Cove.

User review rating: 0 March 10, 2010

thank\ s you for this documentairy, it\ s the reality and i think that we have to do something to save them!It\ s opened a lote of eyes and it\ s a good thing to see the horrible reality! thank\ s you and i hope that people will realize that we have to do something, continu to save the shark!! gracias,merci!

User review rating: 0 March 10, 2010

An amazing film, watch it, learn from it and pass it on! I have always loved sharks and watching this has made me realise just how much they need our help. Finning, and the importation of shark fins should be internationaly banned. Bless you Rob Stewart for doing so much to help raise public awareness of the plight of the worlds sharks. Much respect also to Paul Watson for all the great work he and the Sea Shepherd crew are doing.

User review rating: 5 March 09, 2010

Amazing and enlightening movie, it actually changed the way I see things. Everyone should see it.

User review rating: 0 March 08, 2010

One of the most powerful films/documentaries ever made! I showed everyone i could, and they all agreed, outstanding! It actually makes you want to get up and do something to help, rather than just ranting that something needs to be done.

User review rating: 0 March 05, 2010

This movie was the bomb and such an eye opener. Ever Since I did my open water diving course. My view on sharks have changed and this has forced that point. Though when i try to explain to people that everything underwater is more scared of you than you are scared of it, they don\ t believe it.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2010

I ve seen this and I really wanted to download it on iTunes and share clips with my class, but it s not available for U.S. iTunes purchase!! What a shame. But this is still amazing and the word is being spread!

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2010

thank you for making this movie!

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2010

This movie was amazing! My kids and I love sharks and we knew about shark hunting and shark fin soup, but we had no idea how dire the situation was. We will act to help save sharks, we can\ t afford not to! The movie had some absolutely beautiful imagry, thank you for making this movie!!

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2010

I love this movie so much that i have devoted almost all of my free time in high school to saving sharks! I have always cared deeply about sharks and now with this movie to motavate me I have a group of students following me in raising awarness and funds, in the past 3 months we made 500 dollars and i have 4 months left to go! A screening of this movie is being held at my school and hundreds of students are expected to attend! i love this film and will never stop loving and living by it! thanks

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2010

This movie is sooo amazing! it certainly opens your eyes! it gave me a true understanding of how this is a really serious matter! definately a must-see!!! :D

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2010

sharks are supposed to be left alone! this movie is just so wow! im gonna show this movie to everyone i know.

User review rating: 0 February 23, 2010

shark are not a evil fish, its a nice fish, am never kill a shark

User review rating: 0 February 21, 2010

My biology teacher showed us(the environment club) this documentary. I was just amazed! It has changed my \ wanted\ career path from ecologist to marine biologist. Big big hugs to Rob Stewart for doing this great job! P.S I will never touch shark fin soup again [=

User review rating: 0 February 17, 2010

Kudos galore to Rob Stewart and his cohorts for not only educating us about sharks\ role in the marine ecosystem, but our role in decimating their numbers and ultimately jeopardizing the lives of all species.

User review rating: 5 February 14, 2010

I just watched the movie and I am absolutely horrified to learn how these sharks are being forced to suffer for money and greed. Not to mention that this 'shark finning' is consequently destroying the ocean's ecosystem, which ultimately means the destruction of the entire planet. I am taking action to join the fight against this barbaric practice.

User review rating: 0 February 14, 2010

I can\ t stop thinking about the sharks. Save the sharks!!!

User review rating: 0 February 12, 2010

This movie is amazing. It has definitely changed my outlook on sharks. It was horrible seeing the torture sharks go through. They do not deserve such cruel treating. Rob is my hero!!! :) SAVE THE SHARKSSSS SPREAD THE WORDDD

User review rating: 0 February 11, 2010

Your movie opened up my eyes to a part of sharks ive never seen amazeing animals that are been hunted down for useless things shark fin soup come on save the SHARKS!

User review rating: 0 February 10, 2010

Wow! This movie has definately changed my perspective on sharks, they really arent the enemy here, we are. Whats going on is very cruel and horrible. By making this video i would say that you got the word around alot. I never knew this was happening this badly. I say SAVE THE SHARKS. Cause they dont deserve this.

User review rating: 0 February 10, 2010

I recently watched the video in my Marine Bio class. I was amazed at the information that the movie provided me with. I never even knew that shark finning was happen. It really opened my eyes. It all completely changed my perspective of the animals in the ocean. I hope that others see the video so more people can become aware and help stop this madness.

User review rating: 0 February 10, 2010

yeah i surf down at newsamryna beach and ive never been scared of sharks but i had no clue about what was goin down with all the shark finning and it really is makin me wanna get involed and ima start cleanin the beach and work up to the day i can join and help yall out in the deep blue

User review rating: 0 February 09, 2010

Thank you Rob Stewart! If it weren t for this documentary, I would never have known about shark finning and the reprecussions it s having on the shark population as well as their ecosystem. Thank you Rob for actually doing something and getting the word out. I must say that I was thoroughly disturbed when I saw some of those images. Rob Stewart changed my view on sharks, I went from fearing them to valuing them. SAVE THE SHARKS!!

User review rating: 0 February 08, 2010

Well, I must confess I was like any other random person, who thought that sharks were only cruel animals. But after watching thiS, I have certainly changed my mind about it and how their existance affects our life on this planet. Tears ran down my face when watching cruel images. It is a fantastic way to open other people\ s eyes, that like mine, were close to see the truth. Well done! And thank you for making me aware of this situation. Keep on doing a great job! From Colombia, Yusmari De La Puente. NO MORE FINNING!!

User review rating: 0 February 05, 2010

A very powerful documentary not only about the sharks, but about us and our actions towards the Earth. This film is one of the most inspirational films that I have ever watched, it has inspired me to do what I can to raise awareness of what is happening on this planet. Thank you.........

User review rating: 0 February 05, 2010

Superb film that shows how important sharks are for human being!!! Peace for sharks!!! Stop finning!!!

User review rating: 5 February 05, 2010

An extremely powerful documentary, that has changed my perception towards sharks and brought about huge awareness of the dire, desperate need to save the sharks while there's still time.

User review rating: 5 February 04, 2010

This is the movie everyone on the planet should be seeing!

User review rating: 0 February 03, 2010

I learned a lot from this film - both emotionally and technically. Nice job. This movie is inspiration to get me involved in conservation of our natural resources that are so amazing to look at and enjoy.

User review rating: 0 February 03, 2010

You will fall in love with sharks, and your heart will break once you see what these creatures are going through. WATCH IT!!!

User review rating: 5 February 01, 2010

This is one of the most important documentaries ever made!

User review rating: 0 February 01, 2010

Thanks for what you\ re doing. People need to know!!!

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2010

The truth has indeed surfaced.Period.

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