Alone in the Dark - User Reviews

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3.41 / 5

User rating: 3.41

Based on 911 votes and 33 reviews

  • User rating: 3.41 54.70%
  • User rating: 3.41 3.87%
  • User rating: 3.41 4.14%
  • User rating: 3.41 2.49%
  • User rating: 3.41 34.81%

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Showing 1 to 33 of 33

User review rating: 0 July 20, 2008

The only good thing about this movie was that it was canada the rest sucked

User review rating: 0 May 19, 2005

oh my, it`s was so stupid , i love christian slater and tara reid but the both sucked in this movie i don`t think they make a good team in this kind of movie put them both in a comedy!!! the whole movie was like bits of other movie some one has no imagination

User review rating: 0 April 25, 2005

alone in the dark should be called alone in the woods

User review rating: 0 March 10, 2005

Uwe Boll is the new Ed Wood, but not in a good way. Some of his hand held shots were very poorly handled.

User review rating: 0 February 21, 2005

This movie was a bad idea from the start. The plot is very simple, too simple, creepy creatures attack humans, human defeat creatures. These types of movies are usually all the same and this movie is no exception. However, granted, they are sometimes entertaining. This movie fails to find a balance between storytelling and action sequences, it does not deliver enough of either. Just enough however to warrant a 2.5, a passing grade! The acting is bad and the story predictable. The story was somewhat promising but in the end nothing was said about the mysterious extinct civilisation, and even less on the creatures. In the end it came down to sh

User review rating: 0 February 10, 2005

After seeing the preview, if you go in expecting exciting suspense and/or horror you are silly. This should be viewed as a comedy because it is laugh out loud funny thanks to bad acting, directing, script, and every other aspect of filmmaking.

User review rating: 0 February 10, 2005

Well, lets see where to start about this movie...seeing as how today is the "opposite-meaning-of-what-you-say" day...the movie was great with a great plot, no holes in the story, great special effects, great acting and the music was by far the best of it all...everything made sense and fit perfectly! Magnificent movie!

User review rating: 0 February 09, 2005

This movie was a disappointment. It is under the Horror genre yet touched FAR too much into Drama and Action - especially Action. It was the worst of the best movies put all together into one movie of crap. To jump from suspense to a matrix type fight scene to more suspense followed by a pointless love scene just to be followed by large gun fights is just stupid. This movie should never have been released in the state it is in. Poor acting, poor directing, poor SFX.

User review rating: 0 February 06, 2005

KREEPY!! Tara Reid was very good in this role.

User review rating: 0 February 03, 2005

This was a terrible movie but in a good way. Uwe Boll has to be one of the most incompetant directors to be handed a decent amount of money ever. The script is amusing with some semi classic bad lines. Tara Reid puts her coke mirror down just long enough to spout lines like "Some doors weren`t meant to be opened..." This is not a good film but taken in the right state of mind it`s totally amusing but best for a DVD night with friends to laugh with.

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

Very disappointing. Tara Reid`s character Aline is used for nothing more than a sex scene(very inappropriate, nothing to do with story). Stephen Dorf tries so hard to do well, it hurts to watch him. I think Slater did really well for what he had to work with. Without giving out any spoilers it`s difficult to explain everything that went wrong. If you look at it as an adaptation of the game, forget it. It is not an adaptation. Doesn`t even attempt to be. Even the movie synopsis that was released early made it sound like it was even put in the same setting as the game (AITD 4)....NOT. Don`t know why the false synopsis was released other than to

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

one of the worst movies ever made. the acting was horrible, the storyline ridiculously stupid, and the movie was all over the place. DO NOT waste your money on it.

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

question: what does bad directing & bad script+ Tara Reid get you? answer: 1 horrible movie

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

movie had potential until Tara Reid got on the screen and showed us all that she can`t act. She should not act anymore unless its in porn since she would not have to speak. movie was poorly writen and directed and should not have been made yet.

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

this movie well if people watch its just waist of your time, u could just knw wat happens n the end soo easily tiz stupid making us beliebe that dere could have been a creature like this lurking in our midst so i give this movie a -100, well the tOP worst, stupendst, awful, idiotic plotline of the decade and welll just below the avg line no one should cee cuz it will jus ruin ur whole day..

User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. We left after 50 minutes - first time I have ever left a theatre BEFORE the movie ended. At least I was home in time to watch the Amazing Race!

User review rating: 0 February 01, 2005

just a really bad movie, acting well expected a lot more from all the actors, have seen better old B moives than this one.

User review rating: 0 February 01, 2005

Worth it for the film lover and film critic. These other comments are pointed in the most bias directions (either it`s a five star or a negative twenty). Go see this movie, form your own opinion. There were definetly many more chances for the director to streatch the actors, but didn`t... the SFX are only lower quality because this isn`t made by Universal or any other big name company... Slater was good, he got into the character and played it out... Tara Ried was not meant to act in this one, she was obivously not commited and showed poor reaction and imagination... the writers didn`t proof read or test out the script as much as they should

User review rating: 0 February 01, 2005

disjointed, badly edited, and really, really hard to follow

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2005

horrible horrible movie ! theres nothing else to say. boring non-sense plot/poor acting/horrible ending. only good thing was that terra reed is hot. thats it ! This director should not be allowed to ever do another movie !

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2005

I would have expected a lot more from Christian Slater. The story was poorly written and directed. Too many gaps and inconsistancies in the story. I love action too but show me a reason behind it. Pointless pointless pointless. "I`ve just been attacked by an invisible beast. I think I`ll go back to work cause this stuff happens to me every day."

User review rating: 0 January 31, 2005

Whoever gave the green light for this movie should be fired immediately!!!! What a waste of my time!!

User review rating: 0 January 30, 2005

This is not bad movie, for those who like action

User review rating: 0 January 30, 2005

Uwe Boll, the director of this monstrosity, is the next Ed Wood. I went to see it as a laugh after the horrendous House of the Dead. The sad thing is the guy hasn`t learned a thing about filmmaking! If Ed Wood himself got the kind of budget Uwe here did, and had access to CGI (BAD CGI), this is what he would have turned out. The fact people are actually swallowing this garbage up (and not in the "it`s so bad it`s good" way, but actually think it`s good) is a reminder as to why movies are so terrible now. It`s just BAD BAD BAD!

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2005

This was bad it was time I will never get back it will be something I forget. When you say the name Alone in the Dark I will space out...and say what is that I will act like I never wasted $8.00 on this badass moive why were they in it didn`t no one day this is bad before it even got out I mean come on it just just plain bad....

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2005

Really good movie. Not as Horror as I thought it`d be but well worth the money to see.

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2005

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2005

My goodness, this movie was awful. Definitely agree with the other comments. The actors, sadly, did not do a superb job in their acting. Their acting was fake, and just too predictable. The movie could have had potential. There are also way too many loop holes and quite a few bloopers I caught! Definitely a CITY-TV flick, and not even a rental. Please save your money and watch something else!

User review rating: 0 January 29, 2005

You`re driving home from work one day, and you see a bus full of pre-schoolers skid into a power line and then crash into pet store, which then blows everything up in a fiery blaze. This pretty much symbolizes what this movie was to me, terrible but SO horrendous that I couldn`t look away as I needed to see if it would get worse. Let me tell you it delivered in spades! This movie has everything! Cliched sets, cliched storyline/plot, cliched characters, cliched monsters, and thats just the cliches! From the early but continous spoonfeeding of plot and repetition of words the writers were obviously very proud of themselves for creating, to the

User review rating: 0 January 28, 2005

Nothing too exiting about this movie exept Tera Reed looking sexy as usual. Don`t waist your money! I feel bad for Stephen Dorff because he really is a good acter but for some reason he chose to be in a movie this lame!

User review rating: 0 January 28, 2005

The worst movie since "Dracula 3000" came out.!!

User review rating: 0 January 28, 2005


User review rating: 0 January 28, 2005

this was 2 hours of my life i can never get back. that`s, one hour of waiting in line for the premier and one hour of watching this "movie," because i couldn`t stay more than half the movie. it was badly written, BADLY acted. all the supporting actors couldn`t act, tara reid and stephen "dwarff" couldn`t act if they tried, and i am so dissappointed in christian slater. if this was his first movie he wouldn`t act again. this movie was as bad as Catwoman with halle berry, and elizabeth berkley`s Show Girls. don`t waste your time or money to watch this. it was down hill after the first 5 minutes of the movie. i pitty who ever pays to see it. n

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