Wonder Woman director fights for pre-screening for terminally ill fan

Published By Tribute on Apr 24, 2017

Wonder Woman director fights for pre-screening for ill fanWith the June 2nd release of the highly-anticipated Wonder Woman quickly approaching, it seems for some fans the date can't come soon enough.

For lifelong Wonder Woman super fan Melissa Bradley, this is exactly the case. Battling Stage 4 ovarian cancer, Melissa's wish is to see the film before she loses her fight against the disease. An appeal from her sister, Karyn, via Twitter to the film's director, Patty Jenkins, could make her wish a reality.

Patty tweeted a reply stating that she too wants Melissa to get her wish and see the film and is "trying hard" to make it happen. But it's ultimately up to DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. as to whether they can allow a special pre-screening for Melissa. It's not an unreasonable request. Wonder Woman is completed. It was also already shown to test audiences months ago, so it's definitely not a stretch to allow it to screen again for a lifelong fan.

This isn't the first time a request like this has been made. You may recall that prior to the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, terminally ill fan Neil Hanvey succeeded in his campaign to see the film before its release and before his death.

While it hasn't been confirmed that the screening will happen for Melissa, it's touching to see those in the industry move mountains for their fans, as many understand that films like these, based on beloved characters, mean more than just a ticket at the box office. It just goes to show the heart that lies at the center of many in the film making community.

You can check out Karyn Bradley's original tweet about her sister's wish below. ~Alexa Caruso

Comments & Discussion

  1. CDubya • 4/24/2017 11:44:46 AM

    Hurry! It's a no-brainer..WB get it done!

  2. Murphy • 4/25/2017 12:08:25 PM

    Hope it happens!

  3. Penguin • 4/26/2017 11:43:44 AM

    It's really a no-brainer. Please let her see it NOW.

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