Underworld: Blood Wars stars Kate Beckinsale - Blu-ray review

Published By Marriska Fernandes on Apr 25, 2017

Underworld: Blood Wars Kate Beckinsale is back in the leather suit as she kicks vampire/Lycan butt and fights to survive in Underworld: Blood Wars.

The film opens with a flashback of the recent events. After Selene (Kate Beckinsale) killed Vampire Elder Viktor, she became an enemy sought after by both vampires and Lycans. Now, Lycan leader Marius is on the hunt for Selene’s daughter Eve, believing that her blood will give him immortal life.

In the opening scene, David (Theo James), an ally, rescues Selene from a Lycan attack and they are soon summoned by David’s father Thomas (Charles Dance) to visit him at the Eastern Coven.

Semira, a prominent member of the coven, convinces the clan that Selene should be forgiven and at her request, Selene is granted mercy and trains the new young vampires.

Semira, however, betrays Selene and poisons her and begins draining her blood so she can gain Selene’s power. Selene is rescued by Thomas and David and escapes with David.

The duo take refuge at the Nordic Coven where more secrets are revealed. It is up to David and Selene to save their coven and to reunite with Eve.

Blood Wars, the fifth film in the Underworld franchise, will probably not make sense if you haven’t seen the previous films in the franchise. For fans, the flashbacks in the beginning of the film sure help refresh your memory if you have been closely following Selene’s journey.

I had high expectations from this film as the revelation of Selene’s daughter in the previous film was an interesting twist to the plot and kept the audience intrigued as to where the plot was headed. This time around more revelations are made while Selene gains more powers.

As a fan of the franchise, I enjoyed the film, while still wanting more. Kate Beckinsale, who looks incredible in that suit, derived sympathy from the audience more this time around than in any previous installment. By showing her character's vulnerable side, Kate allows you to see Selene's humane side.

The CGI was spectacular as the Lycans battled the vampires against a scenic backdrop. If you're a fan of the franchise, you'll enjoy the film.

Blu-ray features include Underworld: Blood Wars Graphic NovelThe Evolution of Selene, a background on Kate's character; Old and New Blood, a video about the cast; The Evil Evolved, a revelation about the villains and Building a Blood War, a behind-the-scenes look.

If you have seen Underworld: Blood Wars and would like to rate/review it, click here. ~Marriska Fernandes

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