Selena Gomez responds to 13 Reasons Why controversy

Published By Tribute on Jun 08, 2017

Selena GomezThe highly anticipated and critically acclaimed 13 Reasons Why has been a huge success. But, like most things in the world, success doesn't come without some controversy.

The show has been under fire for how it portrays teenagers and suicide. Hollywood star Selena Gomez, who serves as an executive producer for the show, claims the show is only being realistic to the events that happen today.

In an interview with Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, she said, "The content is complicated, it’s dark and it has moments that are honestly really hard to swallow. I understood that we were going into something that is difficult, but these kids today are so exposed to things that I would never even comprehend when I was eight."

She continued: "My cousin teaches third grade and they’re doing things and saying things that I couldn’t even fathom. I feel like if this is what we are going to talk about we might as well do it in a way that’s going to be honest, it’s going to be real and it stays true to the book."

13 Reasons Why is based on a 2007 novel of the same name. The show tells the story of a group of high school students who discover that they played a part in a classmate's decision to commit suicide. Netflix has admitted they didn't expect the show to be such a hit with its users, but the show has become wildly popular, with fans begging for more seasons. Critics of the show have claimed it "glamorizes suicide" in a way that can be harmful to teen consumers. But other teens and critics are impressed with the way the show portrays the issues students face today and need to be voiced on some platform. Read our review of season 1 here.

Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why is scheduled to be released in 2018. ~Brenden Zerihun

Comments & Discussion

  1. Victor Lau • 6/8/2017 7:34:56 PM

    13 Reasons Why was a Fantastic show that didn't hold back on the hard dose of reality that few Adults, let alone teenagers, wish to acknowledge. Bullying has NO place in today's society and together, we must work Harder to end it.

  2. Double 0h • 6/8/2017 10:11:10 PM

    Impossible t00 glorify suicide The world has changed and so has movies and tv. Our children are exposed and we need open dialogue I'm a 45ish year old man and I weeped This show opened up a family dialogue that I'm glad we had and hope we keep pushing these type of buttons 00uty

  3. CDubya • 6/9/2017 12:00:09 PM

    I've never heard of it before, but now I'm curious. I have a 15 month old daughter and my wife and I talk about how tough things will be for her when she is in school and how will we combat these type of issues. If this is educational in any way, then I'm game to learn and adapt it to our life lessons. I like to think my wife and I are open to a lot of learning tools, even if it's a Netflix show, as long as it helps and opens our eyes.

  4. Penguin • 6/10/2017 1:00:18 AM

    Too bad not everyone has Netflix and have no interest in paying more for tv than we already do.

  5. Joanne • 6/13/2017 10:42:35 AM

    I got rid of my satellite tv subscription and only have Netflix now. But I won't watch this show because I heard it was really depressing and because I already struggle with that, I try to watch things with happier endings.

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