Robert Downey Jr. warns fans about scam artist impersonators

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Aug 24, 2017

Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey Jr. posted a message yesterday on Twitter to warn fans about scam artists who have been impersonating him and asking for money.

The note, which began with "Dearest fans (Ducklings, Bunnies or otherwise)" went on to say: "It has come to my attention that one or more scam artists have taken to impersonating me online and asking some of you via private message or chat for 'donations' for various 'causes.'"

He clarified that he never asks fans for money, explaining: "Just wanted to let you all know that if you encounter someone on a chat platform claiming to be me, they are lying. I will never ever communicate via private chat platforms, and I would never ask individual fans for money for any reason."

Robert went on to verify that messages from him will be via his "public, verified social media pages."

In conclusion, he wrote, “I am constantly humbled by the incredible love, support and generosity of our little community. Some want to take advantage of that, so let’s have each other's backs. Love you all, and stay safe…”

See his full text below. ~Alexandra Heilbron

Comments & Discussion

  1. CDubya • 8/24/2017 11:50:29 AM

    Good on him! He's socially aware of what's happening and he doesn't just let the chips fall where they may, he warns people of this scam. He takes a minute out of his day and says something about it! Nice work RDJ.

  2. Terry • 8/24/2017 12:50:34 PM

    Oh c'mon.....people would be dumb enough to think Robert Downey would be calling US and asking for MONEY??? Oh he heard thru the grapevine that I'm loaded, right??? He'd turn to me rather than his Hollywood pals who have money. Scammers like this are even more stupid than the victims they are trying to dupe...WOW!! Give us a break Robert --- not many of us are stupid enough to believe this kind of a scam so I doubt you really need to warn anybody. Anybody dumb enough to fall for it likely has no money anyway -- they haven't the smarts to earn it. :O

  3. Derek Beaupre • 8/24/2017 12:55:54 PM

    This dork has more money than most countries. If anything he should be offering money , not asking. So, I don't get why anyone would think this is above board ?

  4. Shel • 8/24/2017 2:52:52 PM

    Seriously there is a scam artist trying to extort money saying you can work as an extra on his set if you fill out a form it will cost you $200 or that his cousin is sick and he needs to raise money and the RDJ foundation would only pay so much for it...such bullshit..blocked him quick

  5. Wendy • 8/24/2017 2:57:30 PM

    There are some really "DUMB" scam artists out there and some really "DUMB" ill informed fans dumb enough to fall for this. I would NEVER ever fall for crap like that.

  6. Lee Mac • 8/24/2017 3:07:35 PM

    Where do i get one of those forms ?

  7. Cally • 8/25/2017 2:09:47 PM

    People absolutely are dumb enough to believe a scam like that!! People are not too bright at all since the invention of the internet. It's quite comical!!! A couple of generations from now, nobody will know what a pen is or even a book. The millennials are the first completely moronic generation! Good luck! 😂🙄😂🙄🤷‍♀️

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