James Cameron launching new Terminator film trilogy

Published By Tribute on Jul 27, 2017

Terminator 2: Judgment DayExciting news for Terminator fans has just been announced -- original franchise creator and director James Cameron is planning to relaunch a trilogy for the sci-fi franchise that's delighted film fans for decades.

In an interview with News.com.au, Cameron said he's in talks to take the franchise forward, saying, "I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for the Terminator franchise and the rights in the US market revert to me under US copyright law in a year and a half so he and I are talking about what we can do. Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it."

With 1984's The Terminator and 1991's Terminator 2: Judgment Day easily regarded as the best films in the entire series (which has already had a few failed relaunches), fans will no doubt wonder where the story will go. Will it be a direct continuation from the latest film, Terminator: Genisys, or will a new timeline be started?

And while the franchise's main star, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, has said he will be back, it hasn't been confirmed in what role. He might be a little too past his prime now to play the perfected Cyberdyne Systems model, so what other role can he take on? Hopefully Cameron will reveal more details in time.

But don't hold your breath, it's going to be a long time. Cameron has his schedule pretty full for the next few years with four Avatar sequels in development. So far, all we know is that the next Terminator film will be directed by Deadpool director Tim Miller -- and considering the success of that film, that's a pretty good start.

How do you feel about James Cameron relaunching his Terminator franchise? Sound off in the comment section below! ~Alexa Caruso

Comments & Discussion

  1. Georgina • 7/27/2017 1:06:07 PM

    More interested in his upcoming Avatar movies, but that's cool.

  2. airdave • 7/27/2017 1:08:14 PM

    Good or bad, an "original" idea is the skill of a good filmmaker. James Cameron has the skills to rip off other people's ideas (Terminator, Avatar, Titanic) and the skills to make sequels and reboots...which are just rip-offs again (of his own movies!) LOL Pointless remakes are a sure sign of an unimaginative filmmaker. Give us something new, or nothing at all. I'm surprised he hasn't tried Titanic 2 yet.

  3. WDG • 7/27/2017 2:16:56 PM

    Cameron ripped off Harlan Ellison's "original ideas" from SOLDIER and DEMON WITH A GLASS HAND (from the original Outer Limits TV shows in the '60's. Ellison won the lawsuit and Cameron had to pay for (not his) "original idea."

  4. NG286 • 7/27/2017 6:20:28 PM

    "direct continuation from the latest film, Terminator: Genisys, or will a new timeline be started?" that is what I'm wondering? because in Genisys they did create an alternate timeline (1 of 2 in fact Terminator: SCC took place in an alternate timeline which I think is linked to Genisys, I have a theory about it :D ) and what other role can Arnold take on? Well Sergeant Candy of course!! if you don't know who that is just google: terminator sergeant candy

  5. Daniel Schneider • 7/27/2017 11:04:42 PM

    It's long overdue but Terminator 2 in my opinion is the best movie ever made and everyone has been waiting for a terminator film on that level. Arnold won't be able to pull it off now it's been too long as I said so unless they can find the right cast, characters, storyline, real action and a small mix of cgi, chemistry, heart, quality etc. We'll just have to just keep watching T2 over and over and over again to remember the feeling of how amazing movies were back then.

  6. David • 7/28/2017 5:31:46 AM

    Of course Arnie can pull it off. All they need is his voice. everything else can be computer generated.

  7. Leann • 8/7/2017 7:47:30 PM

    This is stupid. They already announced this action of a re-make trilogy- the first remake movie they deemed a bust so now they intend to completely start over with a 'new' trilogy remake leaving the last movie with answers in limbo? I'm getting so perturbed at this point as much as I wanted a sequel to Genisys I am contemplating personally boycotting the franchise completely. They are making a mess of this franchise. You guys suck.

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