Ewan McGregor's daughter calls him an 'a-hole'

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jan 17, 2019

Clara McGregor Instagram postEwan McGregor's oldest daughter, Clara, posted a photo online on Tuesday of her mother, Eve Mavrakis, lounging in a bikini. She captioned it: "my mother, ladies & gentlemen • 50 is the new 30 apparently.”

When a fan commented jokingly, "good to know you have the smoke show genes...keep her away from your boyfriends," Clara responded with: "Nah I keep her away from a–hole men who leave my goddess of a mother. :)"

Clara was 21 when photos of her father, 47, kissing his much-younger Fargo co-star Mary Elizabeth Winstead, 34, were published in a British newspaper in October 2017.

The Christopher Robin star filed for divorce from the mother of his daughters after 22 years of marriage just a few months later. Eve and Ewan also have three younger daughters: Jamiyan and Esther Rose, both 17, and Anouk, who turns eight this month.

In October 2018, Ewan claimed in court documents he was "voluntarily" paying "too much" in child support.

Last July, when Clara saw a comment from a fan on Instagram calling Mary Elizabeth Winstead the “most beautiful and talented woman on earth,” she shot back: “Oh man, y’all are delusional. The girl is a piece of trash." She later expressed regret -- of a sort -- about the comment, telling The Times: “’I said how I felt and I didn’t want to apologize for it. It wasn’t the right way to go about things, but it’s a hard thing to wrap your head around when you feel you had this idea of what the family unit is and then to have that shift. It’s very weird."

Clara's younger sister, Esther, wrote a song she posted to Instagram on Jan. 18, 2018 with the lyrics: “Waking up slowly, I’m taking my time, I read some dumb s–t that I found online. Seeing those pictures, they’re making me cry. Happy birthday to me — am I right? I don’t know how to forgive. I don’t know if I can. Ruining me." The photos of Ewan and Mary Elizabeth kissing were apparently published by the British paper The Sun on Esther's 15th birthday.  ~Alexandra Heilbron


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Made you a man- by me 🎸:)

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Comments & Discussion

  1. Miguel • 1/17/2019 11:33:10 AM

    its easy they are stars love goes and comes as fast as a change of underwear when you are tired of one you change to the other its simple for them I mean and so the ball turns NEXT one will come along soon don't worry it will happen lucky bastards you say don't know maybe to each his own whatever makes them happy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. Val • 1/17/2019 11:33:14 AM

    Wow. Anyone reading her statement, in which she says "it’s a hard thing to wrap your head around when you feel you had this idea of what the family unit is and then to have that shift" can see the harm this does to children. And that's coming from the oldest daughter, who wasn't a minor like the other three. It still tore her world apart. I wish people would think twice when they decide to cheat. They are destroying children. Not to mention the wife, who from all accounts was destroyed by it too, but to mess up your own kids so they don't think they can trust men to be there for them. These girls are harmed for life. Unbelievable. He truly is an asshole of the worst kind.

  3. Wendy • 1/17/2019 12:03:35 PM

    Yes he is a selfish, weak, self revolving piece of crap. So many stars think that bcuz they have money & power & that a hollywood so called “star” can do watever they want. Most have the worst morals nd code of ethics. To wreck the lives of these beautiful talented women so that he can feel like a “man” is just disgusting nd we wonder why the world is falling apart. I for one, will no longer spend a dime to support him or his movies. He’s a goof & very flaky & shallow to do this...

  4. Wendy Usher • 1/17/2019 12:15:39 PM

    He, and they, are people. I have never understood why anyone ever thinks a celebrity isn't going to make the same mistakes anyone else might. I will say though, that just because we've seen and heard the story we've seen and heard, that doesn't necessarily mean that's the way it was. There's always another side and you don't know what their marriage was like. You don't know if they were separated...you don't know if she was unfaithful to him...you don't know. But most of all, it's none of our fucking business. And quite frankly I don't care what a couple of spoiled, over-privileged little girls have to say about a situation probably even they know almost nothing about.

  5. Redrover08 • 1/17/2019 12:24:42 PM

    It comes down to choice - you choose to cheat or you don’t - you choose to honour your commitments or you don’t - Don’t know who hit on who at first - Either she chose to hit on a married man or she chose to except the advances of a married man - Just as bad a choice in my opinion - also who knows I actually know some people who have no problems with cheating as long as nobody makes anything public maybe this was a long-term cheating thing and it finally got out so they were done - Still not someone who I would find honourable but he is a good actor

  6. Sir Winston Churchill • 1/17/2019 12:28:43 PM

    They were married for 22 years and have 4 beautiful daughters together. It's so sad they couldn't hold their marriage together. Publishing pictures of his infidelity online and in social media so his children are exposed to them should be a crime. The pain the children suffer because of social media is so much worse. God bless them and keep them strong.

  7. Scott • 1/17/2019 12:30:50 PM

    To quote Tony Stark: “Sometimes Dads leave, no need to be a pu$$y about it”.

  8. Laurel • 1/17/2019 12:56:18 PM

    I think it comes down to the stars being no different than us. There is drama like this in everyday life , it is just not plastered all over the tabloids. Men are insecure so many times and when they are with someone-not their wife -who gives them attention etc. their heads are turned quickly. Marriage is something that is work and needs nuturing. Men and , yes also some women just don't want to put in the work anymore. Lots of people leave their marriages but of course it is so hurtful to the children. I would think the way these kids found out is pretty devastating.

  9. Terry Kellington • 1/17/2019 12:59:41 PM

    His daughter has the knowledge to post he is an asshole.The rest of us don’t.

  10. Genie • 1/17/2019 1:06:05 PM

    And I'm going to believe her, Terry. If she says he is, and it certainly sounds like he is, then good for her for speaking up.

  11. MightyMad • 1/17/2019 1:06:44 PM

    Everything McGregor is getting from this, all the hatred his daughters are throwing at him... He completely deserves it. If he was done with his wife, if the love was truly gone, he should have been an adult about it and asked for a divorce BEFORE starting another relationship. As it stands, he looks like an a**, Winstead, like a homewrecker, and his kids do not seem able to stand him anymore. A fine mess. Only idiots cheat.

  12. MightyMad • 1/17/2019 1:07:39 PM

    Everything McGregor is getting from this, all the hatred his daughters are throwing at him... He completely deserves it. If he was done with his wife, if the love was truly gone, he should have been an adult about it and asked for a divorce BEFORE starting another relationship. As it stands, he looks like an jackass, Winstead, like a homewrecker, and his kids do not seem able to stand him anymore. A fine mess. Only idiots cheat.

  13. sky bellefleur • 1/17/2019 1:22:44 PM

    Ill admit this shocked me but having been married a few times myself Im on another end of it and understand how we change over a lifetime. Its unfortunate that the photo got out but we have no way of knowing if they had discussed a trial separation or any other private details before the public release of the photo. Im sad for the kids but honestly 22 years is a long time and there was never a hint of anything negative before that. There are so many unknowns I can hardly judge and I feel we shouldnt anyway. My sadness is for the kids. Hope they can get thru it by talking it out more and not just blowing out public anger. Being honest and transparent helps. Ive lived thru this and it really starts the path to healing. People change and they fall out of love. Its a fact. Its hard to manage well in the public eye. Sky

  14. Hilary • 1/17/2019 3:10:22 PM

    I feel for the daughters. I'm the daughter of divorce myself and it's had a big effect on me. My father left my mother with three young children to raise. I think if you marry someone, make sure they're the one, that's what the vows say, it doesn't say until you find someone better. Especially if you have children. Anyway, I'm unmarried and childless and will very likely stay like that thanks to the sperm donor who married my mother and then took a hike.

  15. Natalie K • 1/18/2019 4:52:12 AM

    @Wendy Usher has the comment that makes the MOST sense here followed closely by scott.. get over it kid you are not special millions around the world are kids of divorced kids and frankly we have no idea what the marriage between the mum and dad was. My bets friend was so mad becasue her dad left to be with another woman and did not speak to him for years and even refused to acknowledged the siblings her dad had with his new wife. The dad never spoke ill of her mother and took the flak while her mum made her think he was an A-hole. She found out many years later her dad left only after her mum had twice cheated on her dad with different guys the last one (and the last straw) resulted in she giving him an std (curable one thankfully). We dont know the full story and many times even the kids dont

  16. Wendy • 1/18/2019 9:35:55 AM

    @natalie thanks for letting me know I'm not special. I actually already knew that, special children are not left behind by their fathers so they can have a new sex life. Your comments make me even sadder. You mean there are a lot of us. No f-ing kidding. And I'm saying the more this happens, the more our society gets screwed up. Children don't feel secure in a divorced family. Girls usually start screwing older guys to get a father figure and boys act out in violent ways.

  17. Elizabeth • 1/18/2019 3:50:40 PM

    So sad for all involved and now their private business is no longer private because Daddy is a "celebrety." A horrible situation.

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