Celine Dion latest celebrity joining #MuteRKelly movement

Published By Tribute on Jan 14, 2019

Celine Dion These Are Special TimesCanadian Grammy award-winner Celine Dion has vowed to pull her song “I’m Your Angel” with R. Kelly from all streaming services.

Dion and Kelly recorded the hit in 1998, which was featured on her album "These Are Special Times," shown at left. The song reached #1 on the Billboard charts, where it stayed for six consecutive weeks, but it is now in the process of being pulled by Dion’s team.

The #MuteRKelly movement comes in the wake of Lifetime’s docuseries Surviving R.Kelly, which premiered Jan. 3 on the Lifetime Network.

The docuseries showcases stories of alleged victims, many of whom are minors, who claim to have been sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abused. Kelly is accused of pedophilia, statutory rape, running "sex cults" and abducting young women in the docuseries.

In the early 2000s the musical artist was charged with 21 counts of making a child pornography tape, which included sexual and oral intercourse with a minor. He was further charged with 12 other counts of making more child pornography, and was taken to court prior to these charges for allegations of statutory rape. All charges against him have been dropped or acquitted.

The premiere of the Lifetime docuseries has sparked debate, outrage, and public apologies from many different celebrities.

Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Cara Delevingne, Nick Cannon, John Legend, The Game, Omarion and many other performers have joined the list of artists supporting the alleged victims. Artists such as Lady Gaga and Nick Cannon have even issued public apologies for their career involvement with the accused artist.

Last week, Lady Gaga said she wants to pull her song "Do What U Want," on which R. Kelly is featured, from all streaming platforms.

Due to the docuseries, R. Kelly is now under investigation in Atlanta and Chicago, thanks to the alleged victims who are speaking out. ~Emily Chavez

Comments & Discussion

  1. Tharsos2099 • 1/14/2019 7:52:51 PM

    R. Kelly has been human garbage since the mid 90s when he was first accused of pedophelia and sexual abuse. And they still recorded with him, they still worked with him. The only reason anyone is doing anything now is because there’s a huge spotlight on the issue, and if they don’t do something, their career will be in danger. Celine Dion, you are a huge hypocrite. Those who bought his music all these years, you are huge hypocrites.

  2. Kris • 1/16/2019 8:18:06 AM

    It's not just Celine who is a hypocrite...it's all of them who worked with this horrible man.

  3. Princess Morticia • 1/24/2019 8:33:34 PM

    Whats bullshit is people in the US have been jailed for life for less and this monster is still floating around being aquitted.... they should raid alll residences and take all the girls to an abuse center and evaluate them for a week if the girls choose to go back thats in them if they choose to stay Amazing this way him or his crew cant influence or threat... more bullshit is the excuse that he was abused and uses it as a reason for what he does.:. EXCUSES ARE LIKE ASSHOLES WE ALL HAVE ONE! Im sick reminiscing each of the song cause now i can visualize the victim to each song.... im sick that he has dayghters who are the ages of these victims... Goes to shoe Money talks shit walks GOD GRANT ALL THOSE WOMEN AND GIRLS COURAGE, strenght and knowledge to escape!

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