The Adventures of Faustus Bidgood

The Adventures of Faustus Bidgood Movie Poster

Canadian filmmaker Andy Jones both directs and stars in the whimsically acid Adventures of Faustus Bidgood. Faustus (Jones) is a clerk in the St. Johns, Newfoundland department of education.

He dreams of becoming ruler of Newfoundland and staging a secession from Canada (the film is rife with pointed comments about the island province's governmental travails).

Back in the real world, Faustus' boss Robert Joy plans to indoctrinate the citizenry of Newfoundland with a cultish geometric theory known as Total Education, but Joy may be foiled at any minute by the revelation of his earlier career as a flamenco dancer.

Greg Malone pops in and out of the proceedings as a combination angel/demon who acts as everyone's conscience. It took Andy Jones ten years to finance and film The Adventures of Faustus Bidgood, which may explain why the film mounts its horse and rides madly off in all directions at once.

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