Netflix edits out Kim Kardashian being booed at Tom Brady Roast

Kim Kardashian was one of the speakers at The Roast of Tom Brady live event on Netflix Sunday night, and when she took to the stage, she started to tell a joke about comedian Kevin Hart, who was the host of the evening at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, but she was interrupted by booing from the crowd.

However, Netflix quickly exchanged the booing with applause for anyone watching the replay.

In the live version, after Kevin Hart introduced her, Kardashian began, "I know a lot of people make fun of your height," but she was immediately interrupted by a surge of boos. Hart shouted, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," while Kardashian seemed bemused and said, "All right, all right, all right," while looking around at the crowd.

Others began cheering to drown out the boos, including Brady and Hart, then Kardashian began again, saying, "All right, Kevin, I know a lot of people make fun of your height, but what people don't know is you're also pretty mean, which makes you the smallest black d*** I've ever seen."

She also addressed rumors that she'd dated Tom Brady, saying it would never work out, because "an ex-athlete, high cheekbones, silky hair -- you remind me too much of my stepdad now."

Tom Brady gave as good as he got, saying in his monologue, "I know Kim was terrified to be here tonight. Not because of this but because her kids are at home with their dad ."

The Roast of Tom Brady is now streaming on Netflix. ~Alexandra Heilbron