Game of Thrones: The Queen's Justice review - new episode!

This review contains spoilers.

Holy Mother of Dragons! I think I speak for most fans when I say I never thought Jon (Kit Harrington) would meet Dany (Emilia Clarke) so soon! And the siege of Casterly Rock?! Let's dive right into the aptly named "The Queen's Justice."

The episode opens with Jon Snow and Ser Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) arriving at Dragonstone. Well that was quick! Winterfell is close to the northern border of Westeros, while Dragonstone sits at the south. Thousands of miles? No biggie for the King in the North.

When Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) brought the two northerners to Daenerys' throne room, a million squees reverberated in living rooms across the world. Hearing Missandei introduce Dany, titles and all, followed by Ser Davos awkwardly introducing Jon Snow as simply "King in the North" brought a rare moment of humor to the show. Game of Thrones is usually so intense that moments of levity are always welcome.

Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) implores Jon Snow to bend the knee to Daenerys. After all, she reminds him that centuries ago, the Stark family swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. She promises to make Jon Warden of the North if he simply bends the knee and reaffirms the Stark-Targaryen pact. Jon refuses, and the two adjourn for the day.

Jon is frustrated because the White Walkers are coming to destroy the North. In Jon's eyes, the politics of who will rule the seven kingdoms is akin to child's play. Thankfully, there's Tyrion. He has one-on-one conversations with the two that encourage them to cooperate with each other. Daenerys agrees to give Jon access to dragonglass and whatever else he needs to fight the White Walkers.

While all of this is going on, Melisandre (Carice Van Houten) is planning to leave for Volantis. Varys (Conleth Hill) tells her this is for the best, as she is not safe in Westeros and she should not return. Her response is almost prophetic. She says she must die in Westeros, and then implies Varys must also do the same.

Speaking of prophecies, let's check in with the ill-fated Queen Cersei (Lena Headey), who lost all three of her children because of a prophecy.

Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) has captured Ellaria (Indira Varma) and Tyene Sand (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers). He's also captured his niece Yara (Gemma Whelan), whose fate remains unclear by the end of the episode. The Queen is elated, and promises to give Euron what his heart desires (he previously asked for her hand in marriage) once the war is won.

After an emotional scene in which Cersei reveals to Ellaria the pain she felt when her daughter Myrcella was murdered, the queen poisons Ellaria's only living daughter, Tyene, with the same poison Ellaria used on Myrcella. Ellaria and Tyene are chained and gagged on opposite sides of a room. Ellaria will have to witness her daughter dying before her eyes as the poison gradually takes effect.

The Iron Bank has come to collect its debt from the Crown. The Iron Bank is unsure of who to support in the war, but Cersei reminds him of Lannisters and debts.

While Greyworm (Jacob Anderson) leads the unsullied to siege Casterly Rock, he notices something is wrong. It's too easy. After taking control of the castle, he looks out into the ocean and notices Euron Greyjoy's fleet has destroyed his ships.

The rest of the Lannister army has secretly marched to High Garden. After an easy siege, Jamie Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) sits down with Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg). She warns Jamie about Cersei's capacity for evil. Jamie's love for his sister doesn't appear to be swayed by Olenna, though seeds of doubt may have been planted. She is forced to drink a lethal poison that delivers a painless death. After finishing her drink, Olenna confirms she killed Joffrey (Jack Gleeson), Jamie and Cersei's oldest son. She wants Jamie to tell Cersei. Jamie leaves the room in shock, leaving Olenna alone to die.

And that's not all folks! Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) has returned to Winterfell to reunite with Sansa (Sophie Turner)! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How can this much awesomeness happen in one episode? Bran and Sansa speak briefly, but they've been separated so long they'll need time to become reacquainted. Bran, now the three-eyed raven, tells Sansa he can see what happened to her on her wedding night to Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon). Sansa is #triggered, and needs to be alone.

And last, but certainly not least: Samwell Tarly (John Bradley-West) has cured Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen) of his greyscale! He's free to go back to his Khaleesi. Attaboy Sam!

I need a cup of Dornish wine. On second thought, just leave the bottle. Game of Thrones is finally making good on its promises to fans. Maybe Lannisters are running the show?

Head down to the comments and tell us your favorite part of this week's episode as well how you think the season will play out. ~Yanis Khamsi