Darwin's Arch, featured in Sharkwater film, collapses

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on May 22, 2021

Featured in the award-winning film Sharkwater by Rob Stewart, Darwin’s Arch is located southeast of Darwin Island in the Galapagos and when it collapsed last week, the M/Y Sharkwater ship was near the site. Check out the funny outtake from the film above, in which Rob is pictured in front of the arch.

Galapagos was one of Rob Stewart's favorite places in the world, and the collapse of this majestic and beautiful bridge-like formation is a tragic loss. Sharks found in the waters surrounding Darwin's Arch include hammerheads (Rob's favorite sharks), whale sharks, white-tipped sharks and black jack sharks. ~Alexandra Heilbron

Comments & Discussion

  1. melissa • 5/22/2021 12:41:10 PM

    funny video but sad the arch is gone

  2. melissa • 5/25/2021 11:09:43 AM

    funny video but sad the arch is gone

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